Pesona Aceh
Aceh is the westernmost province of Indonesia. It is located on the northern end of Sumatra, with Banda Aceh being its capital and largest city. Aceh offers interesting tourist attractions, and historical places, such as the Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, Rumoh Aceh, Tsunami Museum, and Sabang Island, as well as being surrounded by beautiful seas.

Kuah Beulangong adalah kari keakraban yang dimasak dan disantap bersama-sama dan menjadi hidangan utama dalam perayaan dan acara berkumpul di Aceh. Hidangan yang memiliki cita rasa khas ini biasanya dibuat dari potongan daging sapi atau kambing yang dimasak dalam kuah yang kaya akan bumbu lokal, santan, dan rempah-rempah aromatik. Dengan rasa yang kompleks dan tekstur yang memuaskan, Kuah Beulangong menjadi pusat perhatian dalam masakan tradisional Aceh, menunjukkan tradisi kuliner dan semangat akan kebersamaan/gotong royong.

Baiturrahman Grand Mosque
Masjid Raya Baiturrahman adalah sebuah Masjid yang terletak di pusat kota Banda Aceh, Provinsi Aceh, Indonesia. Masjid Raya Baiturrahman merupakan simbol agama, budaya, semangat, kekuatan, perjuangan dan nasionalisme masyarakat Aceh. Masjid ini menjadi ikon Banda Aceh dan selamat dari tsunami Samudra Hindia 2004.

Rumoh Aceh
Rumoh Aceh (Acehnesse: “Aceh house”) is a type of traditional house located in Aceh Province in Indonesia. It is basically a dwelling or house made of wood. Rumoh Aceh is also known as krong pade, which actually refers to a rice barn (krōng, “warehouse” + padé, “rice”) and not a house. Rumoh Aceh is the largest and highest of all vernacular house types in Aceh Province, the others are Rumoh Santeut and Rangkang.

Museum Tsunami
The Aceh Tsunami Museum, located in Banda Aceh Indonesia, is a museum designed as a symbolic reminder of the 2004 India Ocean earthquake and tsunami disaster, as well an educational center and an emergency disaster shelter in case the area is ever hit by a tsunami again.

Museum Kapal PLTD Apung
PLTD Apung Monument, Mute Witness of the Aceh Tsunami. When the tsunami occurred, this ship was dragged by a tidal wave as high as 9 meters so that it shifted to the heart of Banda Aceh City for 5 kilometers. This tourist attraction is a monument of remembrance and honour for people who survived the 2004 Aceh tsunami disaster. To visit this museum, visitors are free of charge other than parking.

Mountain Peak Geurutee
Mount Geurutee is a mountain that is classified as unique. This mountain has easy access and is close to the highway and can be stopped by motorists at any time. From the top of the mountain, tourists can see a complete view because it is directly facing the Indian Ocean. Not to mention the cluster of small islands, beach sand, and mountains forming a perfect formation that is a pity to miss.

Lhok Mata Ie Beach
Lhok Mata Ie is located in Ujung Pancu, Peukan Bada, Aceh Besar. This marine tourism destination not only offers an exciting camping experience but is also the perfect destination for diving, snorkeling, fishing, and even photography. At dusk, visitors to this beach can enjoy the breathtaking beauty of the sunset. Lhok Mata Ie Beach is nestled between two hills facing directly towards the Indian Ocean, providing a stunning natural panorama. With its captivating white sand, beautiful coral reefs, and green hill views, Lhok Mata Ie truly is an exotic tourist destination.

Lut Tawar Lake (Takengon)
Lut Tawar or Fresh Sea Lake is a lake that located in the Gayo Highlands, Central Aceh District, Aceh. At western side of the lake there is Takengon, which is also the capital of Central Aceh district. The name Lut Tawar or Fresh Sea taken because of the vast area that this lake has, and it has fresh water in it. The existence of Lut Tawar Lake for local inhabitants is used for the water resourcement for the entire needs, with other is about tourism destination.

Weh Island
Weh Island (Indonesian: Pulau Weh), often known as Sabang after the largest city, is a small active volcanic island to the northwest of Sumatra, 45 minutes by fast regular ship or 2 hours by ferry from mainland, Banda Aceh. It was originally connected to the Sumatran mainland and became separated by sea after the volcano’s last eruption in the Pleistocene era. The island is situated in the Andaman Sea. The largest city on the island, Sabang, is the northernmost outpost of Indonesia.